Monday, October 20, 2014



The Mozzarella is a dish became part of the Italian culinary tradition. It is said that the name is inspired by the first 7 km of railway that were built back in 1839 in Surrey, that is enclosed between two slices of bread that are to represent the chariot. Serve hot out to be very tasty and delicate though fries.

Ingredients for 4 people:

- 8 slices of sandwich bread or white bread
- 400 gr. mozzarella (or buffalo mozzarella)
- 2 eggs
- Flour
- 100 ml of milk
- Salt
- Pepper
- Oil for frying

Start by cutting a fairly thick slices mozzarella cheese (about 1 cm) and set aside. Cut the crust from all sides of slices of bread, on top of a slice pour in two slices of mozzarella and close with the other slice of bread. The slices of bread or you can leave them inside to cook better, cut them in half. At this point you place the eggs in a bowl, add the milk, salt and pepper and beat with a whisk. Past both sides of the slices of bread in the flour and subsequently in eggs. Bake on a pan with plenty of oil so that they become well browned on both sides. Once you are ready, drain and serve hot. You can serve them with the insalta and fresh tomatoes.

Preparation time: 20 min. about
Cooking time: 8 min. about
Difficulty: Easy
Cost: Low

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